Monday, July 30, 2018

Key Evaluation Areas

Hi everyone. Currently, I'm busy selecting papers to be recycled and I've found these important questions noted on a paper. So, before I recycled this paper better I jotted it down here. It really helped me during my studies.

These questions have usually been asked to Phd/Master candidates. Its related to your thesis and your research. So, I'll list the questions here. Just take notes, kay!

Here are the questions:-
1. Is the problem of study clear and important?
2. Are the study's objectives clear, achievable, and sufficient?
3. Are the methods used sufficiently?
4. Are the results clear, sufficient, and important?
5. Can the results be explained clearly and sufficiently?
6. Have the study's objectives been achieved?
7. Is the scientific work robust/ rigorous?
8. Is the level of work sufficient for the awarded degree?
9. Are the presentation of work and writing in thesis adequate?
10. What is the contribution of this thesis?
11. Summarize the basic theory behind this approach?
12. Why do you choose this approach?
13. How does this relate to XXX?

Okay, this is the end of the questions. But, to me there's still lots of question will be asked to postgraduates students. You can try to search for it online or you can join the postgraduates group for more information on your studies. It is known as DSG Group

You just have to be prepared. I know you can do it! Just believe in yourself!


Preparing Slide VIVA

Assalamu'alaikum guys. How are you doing? Me? Hmm.. I'm not bad.. *(n_n)* 

In this entry, I'll share how I designed and prepared PPT (PowerPoint) slide for my PhD viva. Foremost, as we have already known, we are given around 20-30 minutes to do our presentation. Am I right? 

The allocation time is different between one university and other universities. So, it means we have only 30 minutes to deliver all the important contents of our 400-pages thesis. It sounds crazy, right? Yes, it is crazy! We have to wisely choose the crucial ones or otherwise we might not have enough time to talk about it. 

So, in preparing the slide, I've divided the allocation time with the number of slides that I should be presented. During my viva, I've presented all of the slides successfully. Alhamdulillah. I managed to survive. (^_^) 

Okay, now let's start with the technique on how to prepare the slide presentation and manage the allocation our time wisely. To tell you the truth, I've got this tips from Mr. Google, in which I've forgotten from where I've got it. So, to make it crystal clear, it is definitely not mine, kay. So, I hope they will not sue me for the copyright. Hehe. Just sharing with others. 

[ 1 - 2 minutes ]
First of all, we have to introduce our topic. How we come across that topic? Why we choose that topic? And how it triggers you to do research on it? Then, we have to list all the leading authors and journals that we referred.
>> Slide 1 => Topic 
>> Slide 2 => Lists of the leading authors/ journal 

[ 3 - 8 minutes ]
Within this allocated time, we review the current knowledge of our topic. Show a positive argument/issue that we've chosen and related it with theories. That issue should be known internationally and need to be studied in the local setting.
>> Slide 3 => Thesis statement (topic issue, argument, proposed solution) 
>> Slide 4 => Theory (framework) 

[ 9 - 15 minutes ]
Then, we elaborated and explained the research methodology, start from the beginning until the end. Why we use PLS instead of SPSS? Give reasons.
>> Slide 5 => Flowchart of our research methodology 
>> Slide 6 => Instrumentation (questionnaires) 

[ 16 - 22 minutes ]
This is the main part of our research. The findings/ results. We have to reveal our findings whether the hypotheses were accepted or rejected. (T_T) 
>> Slide 7 => Summary of key findings 
>> Slide 8 => Charts/ Tables/ Models 

[ 23 - 30 minutes ]
Finally, within this allocation time, we have to discuss the results. How we get that result. It means what? Then, we concluded the presentation and explained a little bit about the implication of our research.
>> Slide 9 => Discussion (move forward with fresh ideas) 
>> Slide 10 => Conclusion (accomplishment of RO) 
>> Slide 11 => Implication to knowledge (contribution to knowledge/ practicably) 
>> Slide 12 => List of our article published/ accepted (proceeding, journal, chapters of a book) 

Yes. That's it! This is the tips that I've referred to prepare the viva's slides. I hope this may help you even it slightly help. Wish you good luck in your viva session! 
